Video Contest Hub

Grow your community by collecting and showcasing user-generated content.

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Why video contests?


Increased traffic to your website as users submit, view and share contest entries.

Email list growth

Motivate consumers to give you their email addresses and other valuable data.

User generated content

Collect user-generated video content that you may use and re-use on social platforms.

Brand engagement

Engage consumers digitally on your domain to nurture their relationship with your brand.

Video Contest Features

Contest Analytics

See your community grow and engage in real time. Measure page views, video views, submissions and other data.

Gallery Moderation

Display video content in a beautiful gallery on your contest page. Remove or reorder entries as needed. You are in control.

Official Rules

Use our official rules template for easy legal compliance. Or use your own.

File Upload & Hosting

Allow users to upload video files of any format directly to your contest page. Videos are automatically encoded, compressed and saved.

A/B Testing

Optimize your campaigns by automatically displaying different contest versions to different users and measuring results.

White Label

Match the look of your website and host it on your custom domain for a fully white label experience.

Launch your branded engagement hub in minutes

Start tracking your users analytics like never before

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User behaviour

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User engagement

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Get Started